Check out our available pets here!
Adoptions are during our open hours and we highly recommend making an appointment. Not all of our animals are in shelter and an appointment ensures that the animal you're interested in is here.
Call or e-mail the shelter to set up a time to come and meet them and all of our available animals. Fill out the adoption paperwork, and take home your new best friend!
Our adoption process is quick and simple:
1. Set up an appointment to come and meet our animals when you are ready to take a pet home. We do not "hold", make waitlist, or do pre-adoption fee pay to secure animals, however we can set up an appointment for a specific animal same or next open day and we'll make sure that animal is in shelter for you to meet. We will not set up appointments for specific animals any further than same or next open day. You can also set up an appointment to meet everyone that is currently available and let the "pet pick you". We ask that if you find a good fit, that you are prepared to complete the adoption process at that time and take home your new pet that same day. Please refrain from scheduling meet & greet/adoption appointments until you are ready to take home your new pet.
2. Meet the animals and discuss with our shelter coordinators to find the perfect fit for your home.
3. Fill out the Adoption Application. You can do this in advance, but it is not necessary, and a prefilled out application does not "hold" a specific animal. We have applications available at the shelter or your can find them here: Adoption Application
4. Pay the adoption fee. We accept cash or credit/debit card. We no longer accept checks for the adoption of animals. Cats often do better with a friend! All our cats and kittens have an "Adopt one and the 2nd at half the adoption fee!" bonus!!! (Half price applied to lower adoption fee).
5. Go over your new family member's medical chart, current diet, and history with a shelter coordinator. We will send home a take-home bag of the food they are currently eating. Dogs will be sent home with a new collar with all their important tags attached and a leash.
6. Bring home your new best friend! We require all cats & small animals (birds, guinea pigs, etc.) to leave the shelter in a pet carrier- boxes, laundry baskets, etc. do not meet this requirement.
What To Bring:
Form of Payment (cash or credit/debit card). We do not accept checks for adoptions.
Photo ID
Pet Carrier (if applicable). All cats and small animals (birds, rats, guinea pigs, etc) must leave the shelter in an appropriate pet carrier.

All of our adoptable animals are:
Spayed/Neutered- cats, dogs, rabbits
Started on age appropriate vaccinations
Flea/tick/earmite prevention started
Tested for FeLV, FeLV/FIV, Heartworm
Heartworm prevention started- dogs
Microchipped- cats, dogs, rabbits